Hack the Plant

Architecting Threat Responses

Episode Summary

“You can simulate power. You can simulate the data that's on the network. You can replay information. That's a very controlled environment. But using the real equipment…it’s the little idiosyncrasies of the systems themselves that you don't get in a very extremely controlled environment. In what the RACICS program was, being able to test out these systems in a mostly controlled environment, but also having the small idiosyncrasies of hey that system doesn't work exactly the way we think it did”. -David Patrick Emmerich David Patrick Emmerich, the Principal Cyber-Physical Range Architect at the University of Illinois, joins us for this episode of Hack the Plant. We’re here to talk about RADICS, a DARPA project - for which David built automated data collection, and set up simulations and testing. What kind of incident response plan is needed for OT in an industrial environment? Join us to learn more.

Episode Notes

I’m joined by David Patrick Emmerich, the Principal Cyber-Physical Range Architect at the University of Illinois, for this episode of Hack the Plant. 

We’re here today to talk about RADICS, a DARPA project. RADICS stands for Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation and Characterization Systems.  We discuss David’s role in building automated data collection and set up simulations and testing, and how the process of doing vulnerability discovery for physical assets helps asset owners.

“  ‘These are ways that an attacker could get around it.’ ‘These are where your blind spots might be’ … We help them understand that so that they can better improve the security of their systems. Or go back to their boards or their management and say ‘these are the tools we need’ or ‘this is the equipment we need and this is why we need it to better improve our security posture.’ Their systems are already critical, but as they become even more critical.”  

We delve into challenges of securing operational technology (OT) for asset owners, different kinds of threats they face, and more technical projects that RADICS ignited.

Join us for an interesting - if technical - discussion to learn more about how physical systems interact with data to support real-time threat response.