Hack the Plant

Open Source Data Visualization for Cyber Threats

Episode Summary

“Within the cybersecurity community, we build cybersecurity tools for other cybersecurity professionals. We don't really build cybersecurity tools designed or intuitive for the operators that need to use it. With ICS Advisory, I focused on how do we just put this in plain language that makes sense for them? Not over using overuse of acronyms, speaking plainly about the vulnerabilities, and really trying to do that with breaking out the common vulnerability scoring system. -Dan Ricci Today’s episode focuses on the ICS Advisory Project, an open source platform that helps asset owners across sixteen critical infrastructure sectors stay secure. Dan Ricci, its founder, joins us to discuss how data visualization translates into more accessible information for the industrial control systems operators on the ground – and how they can use that information to identify weaknesses in their environments. Join us to learn more.

Episode Notes

I’m joined by Dan Ricci, founder of the ICS Advisory Project, for this episode of Hack the Plant.

The ICS Advisory Project is a free, open-source platform that helps asset owners across 16 critical infrastructure sectors stay secure by identifying threats in their environments.

“I saw a gap in the community. There's good data that's coming at us…but no one did anything to take and make that data more digestible through visualization. So I decided, okay, well, I'm just going to do it now. I’m going to take the the data that I have been cleaning up and monitoring for like the past two years, and I'm going to put it together and visualize it, trying to build a tool that's more practical and usable by that asset owner, who may not have a cybersecurity background.”

We discuss how data visualization translates into more accessible information for the ICS operators on the ground who need the information - and how the data in the platform is maintained.

Join us for an interesting - if technical - discussion about how data from CISA and other agencies can be utilized by asset owners through ICS Advisory’s platform.