Hack the Plant

Trailer - Hack the Plant

Episode Summary

Electricity. Finance. Transportation. Our water supply. We often take these critical infrastructure systems for granted, but they’re all becoming increasingly dependent on the internet to function. In Hack the Plan[e]t, podcast host Bryson Bort looks for answers to the question: Does connecting these systems, and others, to the internet leaves us more vulnerable to attacks by our enemies? Because an attack on our critical infrastructure, the degradation to the point that they can no longer support us, means that we go back to the stone age, literally overnight. Hack the Plan[e]t is a podcast of the R Street Institute, a free market think tank in Washington D.C., and ICS Village, a nonprofit that equips industry experts and policymakers with the tools to better defend our critical infrastructure. It is hosted by veteran cybersecurity expert Bryson Bort.

Episode Notes

Learn more about ICS village at http://www.icsvillage.com

Learn more about the R Street Institute at http://www.rstreet.org

Follow Bryson Bort on Twitter @BrysonBort

Follow the R Street Institute on Twitter @RSI.